Physical Zine
It aims at being a standing reminder of not only the events happening now but how to handle them in the future, spreading the truth along with the experience.
I invite you in, not to explore these spaces as a document, as the past; but as an experience, as a reality we are hastily speeding towards.
These photographs have been captured over the course of almost the past year and there will likely be many more over the next few years coming.
I ask that you leave your shoes and coats at the door and take the experience bare. I ask you to understand that this is a trail and not a path, that you are walking down my footsteps and seeing from my eyes. To you these may be just photographs but for the people in them it's a fight they can’t see ending.
In collaboration with the SVA SJP as of 2.10.24
10.8.23 The First Protest
Tensions are high between Palestinian-Americans and Israeli-Americans all through the city.
Israeli people defend and even flaunt their country’s actions; Palestinian-Americans demand peace for their people, angry at America's part in the matter, and the whole stance is dividing the general public.
Posters have been plastered all over, covering the city from end to end, top to bottom, referring to the Israeli people kidnapped in the attacks on October 7,2023, along with posters of the flag of Israel. They pop up everywhere you look. On every street pole, and blank wall, even littering the platforms of the subway.
I live near a building that has been slathered in them, getting to parts of the building you could only reach with heavy machinery. I walk by it every day. I unknowingly walked by as they started to put the posters up. By the end of that night, they were already being defaced. Slashed in protest.
STOP THE GENOCIDE written in blood red paint, seeping deep behind the lamination of the paper FREE PALESTINE! read the message, along with the country's bold green, red, and black flag, painted right alongside. The message stood tall for days. Each time it was covered, someone new came in and replaced it. The final straw was maybe about 7 days in, when someone painted CEASEFIRE NOW with an image of the Palestinian flag, a watermelon, and a message that read ‘’From the river to the sea,” sealed off with a final sign that read JEWS FOR PALESTINE. The organizers replaced the whole wall the following day.
Scattered throughout the city are little messages in support of the Palestinian people. Stickers with the flag, and prayers. From up above, a window with a flag in view of the people walking by on the street. Messages filled with hope for better. Lasty, pleas begging for a ceasefire
1.1.24 - 1.30.24
I went to protests and other rallies standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people and some against.
Screams from people who’ve lost not only their families but their hope for anything better.
Children holding signs of their own volition.
Jews, the children of “Israel” marching with their own banner standing with the Palestinian people.
They want change, their asking for it
A child reenacts the vile and dark reality of many children in Gaza of carrying a lifeless, limp body in her arms. She marched over 60 blocks right to their doorsteps.
Countless people marching behind her, countless Americans standing against America.
People jumped to their windows; in their 9-5s, from their couches, their beds, their cars; You will hear them. You do hear them.
They’ve been ignored, They feel abandoned. But for how much longer?
So many protests, I wake up go to class then a protest, day after day; rinse and repeat. CAN’T YOU HEAR THEM YET?